*Get 5% cash back bonus on your first $500 spent (aggregate) on certain net Debit Card purchases (purchases minus returns and credits) made at Best Buy®, Target®, Marshalls®, JCPenney® and Kohls® during the month of August 2024 that post and clear your evolve
checking account when qualifications are met. The maximum cash back bonus reward is $25 for the entire month. If you do not meet the minimum evolve cash back qualifications in a monthly qualifying cycle you will not receive the 5% cash back bonus reward for
that cycle period. The listed retailers are owned by and are registered trademarks of their respective owners and are NOT affiliated with or a sponsor of Metro Credit Union’s 5% Cash Back Bonus. See Metro Credit Union and evolve account disclosures for cash
back qualifications, additional terms, restrictions and other general cash back program details. Federally Insured by NCUA.
Please note that not all transactions made at these retailers will qualify for the cash back bonus, as eligibility is determined partly by how and when the merchant processes the transaction and when it clears your evolve checking account. Pending, unposted, certain merchant name variations, ATM network, Gift Card, and Cash-based transactions are excluded from cash back rewards where applicable.
Metro Credit Union retains the right to determine whether a transaction qualifies for any cash back reward. Lowes®, The Home Depot®, Menards®, Nixa Hardware, Sutherlands®, and Ace Hardware® are registered trademarks of their respective owners and are not affiliated with or sponsors of Metro Credit Union’s 5% Cash Back Bonus Reward Program.
For further details on cash back qualifications, additional terms, restrictions, and general program information, please refer to Metro Credit Union and evolve account disclosures. Federally insured by NCUA.